Wednesday, 13 December 2017

simple yet effective

Wednesday 12th ~~~ 1 in 12 Club ~~~ 1996

ERKO: UK: loud can't remember but seeing them on Friday. Best/most enjoyable was guitarre out of tune on 1 song. Disharmony with the bass was a brill juxtaposition of sounds - sound ideology of early Rudimentary Peni, association of Sepultura or White Zombie.

HEADACHE: 3/4 French + 1/4 UK: punk jazz fusion & screams, was chatting to Matt & Craig who'd just done a radio show. Almost Victims Family in inventiveness - or is it just enjoyment of tricky likeable tunes - or just plain idiocy?

DOOM: UK: 'they've got better!' Amebix on speed could be so gothick death metal grind, but surf on the crest of the punk rock wave (that was a metaphor). Best bit bass: an angry (need a stronger word) bee so distorted and thrashed.

HIATUS: Belgium: Poison Ivy without the ska but with all the energy & technical ability, a clean sound without death metal licks/riffs. Why did the singer - who was smiling all the time - have a monkey wrench in his hand? (there was a bit of trouble with a mic & 1 guitar) 2 guitars bass drums - very solid, excellent. pace was very fast, ear splitting mega punk.


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