from ch. 08 UKGOLD - on the remote I smashed on that sat/sunday telephone vodka experience.
Guy on a bike - shop & £2.60 +
Ready for the ch. 4 film.
Gonna pour it into a pint glass - bottle in fridge & see how (view reaction).
1st sip 21:04 - rollin' a fag. 21:07 lite up. dead funny - burping abit.
pain in jaw dissipated.
2/3 down the glass - adverts - nice film - slightly hazy - think the rain might come thru the holed window might cling film it.
21:52 2nd glass gulps are big checking the time - chappy offy closes 22:30 - still got £2.00...?
time was when - is this the beginning of a mega o another distraction.
back to 1/3 left (in glass) @ 22:21 - after channel change & moments with this pen, page, ink & 30 years of english a look to RT not. Madonna video on VH1 & a piss. pretend psychic voice saying my name in emotional state - smelly bog. light switch 'good lord, I seemed to have finished my drink, excuse me' - quote.
thought of proposal & friendship - gone wholly 2 scenes on in the film 22:30 after fiona professes LOVE for Charles (could do real names from whatever...) liked the portrait on the wall.
Joy Division song for death.
& a refill for empty glass -
W. H. Auden - or cookies.....
22:45 remember (word is sooooo surprising! ha)
of my mates seeing this in the cinema at Newport. here I've got 7/8ths full glass. fridge with 1/2 pint of cider in it. closed b/room door for draft & sweaty shoes from 1/4 an hour ago. channel change X4 all most adverts - which ever way one uses those strange inbuilt (evolouted) viewing things. "it's the girl on the Boddies ads!!" cider taste - fuggin horrible
really a sweeping feeling & wish to phone Karen (who's a lesbian I guess) avoidance! rather then.
got about 3/8th left of ma pint. love the film.
wanna be intimate with siobhan don't care for the credits - very english - no welsh, scottish weird feelings & about 1 or 2 million other viewers - of this ch. 4 premiere. still got some grog. left to quaff. no vikings alright.
next: to do list = (love her kids - do!) move room around vacuum on thurs, wait for fin til 9am - sleep - move room around finding places for records - can Romantics Byron etc still be infused - tho I never been to Greece & people hate me (nothing tape et al - maybe radio 5. plug in BCB ?? question mark).
192 B 01274 771677 - phone call: no answer tho 192 (on Bell cable network)
192: Samaritans 0113 245 6789
192: how not to feel unhappy 0345 909 090
drink - anyway to help insomniacs
Alcoholics Anonymous: phone George #274 1247
Hyde Park. Methodist session. just off Hyde Park Rd. Woodsley 8pm.
192: 0800 - to head office for the complete list of freephone #'s (any about)
rather than cost a real fortune give them real parameters.
After St James, Samaritans. tried Ste Blackburn's ansaphone (this is daring stuff til 4am & USA. phoned Tia in Npt. Talked of various people - laughed alot - felt good(ish).
after 2X 0500 110 100 free phone Radio 1 will no answer & a foray into the kitchen - finding my pint - & after finding it again after no flouch {????} - weirdness no more alcohol & 00:22 - mtv - Radiohead - no application other than wishing to do more!!!!! MORE. got my Amiga 500 down - wanna digitize - cable tv check if its broadcast quality....
192 - Lucy XXX
100 - USA time zones (if poss) no answer cos admittedly lost (in this room) the other address book 'the t'other says' 2am = 6/7am in Austin Texas - ie phone Lainie.
Must've been prime directive cuz nothing else on my mind @ 00:31
code to Italy
153: 00:39 - 1 hour ahead. phoning up my dad
00:39: 3327 85896 desk (room) checking out this format - pen on ink on paper.....
so its 00:51 after phonig my pa - waiting to phone Lainie all the realisations of recrimination smash 'gainst my brain still i would like to be friends until she/they fuck me off totally - as everyone (mostly) has
4609 A Depew
Austin Texas
78751 - USA
email - drublood@eden.com
(24.4). modem
talkin to Lainie was cataclysmic she's great & I love her like a brick. look @ tv. comp on internet look at vacuum - looking bleeding sexy - wanna - get on comp - interact all over universe instead wanna smash something - stead pulled out a hair on ma head, listened to mtv & chilled out.
comps: 0500 192 192 - engaged
comp: 432 422
WCS 450 623
IBW WK 448 255
CONTEC 341 234
COMP C/O 420 601
192: Apple : apple Leeds 2000: 249 1728
LS11 734 0044
BT cable} systems
192: 0500 43 43 43 - 1080 Harrogate Rd £25 average charge.
so after interflora - fucked off interset & mega joviality Fucked off involvement with trivia eg phoning up blah'd numbers, choc chip cookies 'n' coffee - nothing to really endanger the brain (ha)
25 minutes to 5am - can't sleep - various things on my brain - failed masturbation - madonna on manky tape plugged in comp, wish i was on internet (not mega really) [wanted to think of comp art i could do - still work it out as it goes] had a mega chat with Lainie. cuz she's american sure I guess.
gotta buy tobacco -
got my amiga online - the curtains puked up the cling film - 5.40am (from Mickey Mouse clock - after a really weakish psychic motherly voice saying my name) 2X rice & tomato stuff with vegeburger mix. digitized images from 'Lie to me' Bon Jovi video - TRY GOING BACK TO SLEEP?!
6am - nasty shitty emanation from stomach pit, itchy arsehole - fucked off ambience generally - no cigs a usual morning - in back of mind look forward to wasting 8/9/10/11/12 hours in bed after 9am. as per bleeding usual.
continue to write this banality as the cider courses - oh so weakly thru blood stream - After going to all night garage I call it ended. So said v. weak psychic voice of Sarah going 'huh' - disgustedly - because I didn't watch her wedding video & 'hair' video or digitize them????
Can't mind meld (ala spock from star trek so never know. 13 lines of inane triffle) [14 lines now].
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