Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Sensless Things : 'Yr my friends'

Sensless Things : 'Yr my friends'

can we bop thru
the soundwave channels?

as I've started - so said 'Magnus Magnusson'
don't ya love it when ya fuck up

with a mistake (keep up...) so bleedin'
obvious that - its worth a scream

- in relation to my soldered loudspeaker cum
video cable to phono pick ups. As my

other (blah) was nicked. Yeah. I soldered
it totally effing wrong i.e. +ve to -ve and

etc. Pleased and surprised ma compy didn't
shuck off its silicon mortal  coil y'kno.

it's kinda nice how - you bet! - Family
e.g. unk Ray makes a joke from

the headline of Yorks Eve
Post. Only a wit such as his??

He's a fat fuckin' bastard, if ya
never knew. But it's 1996 & hey get

a life. 'Holy Crystalline Entities

Batman!' 'It's life - but not as
we know it, Jim'..... The Boy

Wonder and Spock. Vulcan extrodinairre.
blah de blah de blah.

".........and it pays the rent" elastica
as I mayhap realise a potential for my

video digitizer. Hey part 3 of a

journey within ma life. Dave (my bro)
everyone can do it now - yeah, I guess
so. so many angles on a single issue.

choice - rather than go wit
eine flow

creates siouxsie & the bansheez in ma
ears (in ma arms)...

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