Tuesday, 8 March 2011

http://kismethc.tripod.com/the original, pre-myspace, site for the band....some of it is quite funny maybe. browse around - enjoy....or despise - whichever


cat said...

Yans face gotta love that title! Wiccan? Thats oddly cool anywho rock on yan \m/

yan tree said...

ha ha ha - thats dave's weirdness in full effect. wicca - yeah was cool getting into it.
thanks again cat - i think you are probably the 3rd or 4th ever person to visit here in ooooh 4 years. not that i'm bothered i quite like sneaking around at the back & hopefully no-one ever noticing me :-)

cat said...

How could anyone not notice you! You are beautiful :-)

yan tree said...

Awwww thats dead kind of you. er, cat is a real nice name....sorry, struggling to find a worthy return compliment.